Safari Operators -> Tanzania -> Shidolya Tours & Safaris

Shidolya Tours & Safaris


International Phone: +255 27 2548506

13 Reviews

2017-08-28 19:19:20 - CUNY
Date: August 2016
Duration: more than 10 days
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
We did a trip with Shidolya company on August 2017: Kilimandjaro hiking and Safari.
Concerning Kilimandjaro, we met very profesionnal crew. The guide and his deputy gave us very good advices. Their knowledge and experience were a big plus to achieve the summit.
The 4 people of our group succeded. We thank the incredible cook and all the porters who performed a very hard job. We were as "kings" thanks to their work. Tents were always ready when we arrived in the different camps, toilets were always perfect, meal in good quantity, various and often with fresh products.
All the logistic was well organized.
Concerning Safari, we also met one guide, who spoke french, and one cook, very professionnal. The logistic was well organized.
The knowledge of the flore, of the animals and of the wild environment of our guide was very appreciable.
We saw lot of incredible animals because of his knowledge.

We congratulate all the operationnal team of Shidolya.

BUT two points disapointed us:
The first was the equipment during the Kili.The closing of the toilet and of tents were old. Shidolya confirm us they plan to change those equipments for the end of the year...
The second, more important for us, concern the accommodation at our arrival, between the Kili and the safari and the final day!
- At our arrival, we learned that the colobus lodge was not accessible because elephants had broken water alimentation. Shidolya provided us with another accommodation: the gateway pension in Arusha. All the crew of this pension was very nice but the comfort and service of this pension was not what we expected and what we paid for (for example shower did not work in all the rooms). On website "", we noted there is a gap of 40 euros by room and by night between these two accommodations. In our case, that represented 160 euros for 2 nights and two rooms.
- Between the Kili and the safari, Shidolya wanted us to go back to the gateway pension. We declined and they found place for us in the Outpost lodge. The comfort and service were like what we expected in the colobus lodge.
- Last day, we just went back to the gateway pension to take a shower before to take our airplane. We tested several rooms before to find good showers. No matter if it was not the colobus lodge because we are not difficult people but it was not correct regarding our contract and what we paid not to propose us a place with an equivalent comfortas the Colobus Lodge.

Elodie, Antoine, David and Jean-Baptiste, 4 french guys
2013-08-14 19:05:00 - SooWai Eng
Date: February 2012
Duration: more than 10 days
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
I would very much like to recommend Shidolya (Arusha) for anyone planning a Tanzanian safari or Kilimanjaro climb. Unfortunately I cannot.
My wife learned about Shidolya during her first visit to Tanzania 10 years ago. She booked a safari through them while she shop around Arusha and had a very good experience. They deliver everything as promised. This led us to use Shidolya again for our combination safari, climb, and Zanzibar excursion in February 2012.
Through email correspondence we made detailed arrangements with Shidolya for a 6 say safari, 8 day Kilimanjaro climb using the Lemosho route, and 3 day stay at Matemwe Beach Village in Zanzibar. We were quoted $1800 per person for the safari with stays at , and $1550 per person for the climb for a party of two.
The first nasty surprise occurred upon our arrival at the Shidolya office. The safari itinerary was presented to us, but upon close inspection none of the lodges that we were supposedly reserved in our email correspondence were listed. Instead of the Maramboi Tented Camp and Kirurumu Tented Lodge, we were booked at the Lake Manyara Lodge. Instead of the Seronera Wildlife Lodge for two nights we were booked at the Ndutu Mobile Camp. Instead of the Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge we were booked at the Rhino Lodge. All the lodges were switched, yet the quoted price remained the same. Had we not been paying attention, this little change would have gone unmentioned until it was too late.
As it was, we inquired why the lodges were not the same as in our prior communications, and we were told that the originally quoted lodges were all booked up, so they had to find us equivalent accommodations of the same class. Only the substitutions were not equivalent by any stretch of the imagination. We used their computer to do some quick on the spot comparison shopping, and it was obvious during a quick perusal that the Ndutu Mobile Camp was far more primitive than the Seronera Wildlife Lodge, and the Rhino Lodge lacked the exemplary view of the Crater that the Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge afforded and not the same class of accomodation.
At no time during our email correspondence was it mentioned that the lodge reservations were tentative, and only after we arrived in Arusha did we learn of the change. We negotiated a $200 discount from the original quoted price, but in retrospect this was far too little a discount to make up for the difference in quality. Who could have known ahead of time that in the so-called luxury mobile Ndutu camp that our tent was to be set up at the last moment, with neither battery power for lights nor a working shower? If we were making a camping reservation, that would be one thing. But we were still paying the price a luxury lodge. This bait and switch was a bitter disappointment. It was also upsetting that had we not said anything, they would have happily offered us no discount at all in the hope that we would not have noticed the change.
Our safari also included a visit to Olduvai Gorge. The $10 cost of admission was included in our billing, yet when we arrived at the Gorge, our driver told us that we needed to pay $10 to enter the site. Apparently Shidolya failed to inform our driver that we had already paid this fee.
Our Kilimanjaro climb was successful, despite suboptimal weather. We had the impression that Shidolya actually had very little to do with the climb itself, and that they basically outsourced the climb to a third party. Since Shidolya is based in Arusha and mainly organizes safaris, this should not be surprising, but be forwarned: if you want to have your Kilimanjaro climb led by a professional team, look elsewhere.
A couple of points should be made regarding the climb. We asked about toilet arrangements, and were told that we would have our own chemical toilet. The toilet failed to materialize, and we used the tourists toilets at each campsite instead. Much has been written about these squat toilets in many fine Kilmanjaro journals, so I will not repeat the details here. Needless to say, some were less than inviting.
We also asked about emergency high altitude supplies carried by the guides, and were told that a Gamow bag and O2 would be available if the need arose. I highly doubt that either was packed for this trip.
Finally there was a bit of confusion about just how many porters would accompany us on the climb. At one point we were told 4-5, then later the stated number grew. As it turned out, we had a guide, and assistant guide, a cook, a waiter, and 6 porters for a total of 10. At any given time during the climb I counted no more than 8 people camping with us, but on the final morning of our descent there were 10 people to be tipped. Call me cynical, but I suspect that a couple of people arrived at the campsite just for that occasion.
Up to this point my wife and I were will to overlook this litany of relatively minor quibbles concerning the safari and climb. We had excellent game viewing during our safari and we made it to the summit of Kilimanjaro and back in one piece, so overall we were quite content we our program. Unfortunately the final leg of our journey – the Zanzibar excursion – is where Shidolya really dropped the ball.
We prepaid Shidolya our roundtrip transfer from the Zanzibar Airport to Matemwe Beach Village on the northeast side of the island at the rate of $60 each way. It was not lost upon us that if we made our transfer arrangements directly through Matemwe Beach Village, the cost would have been only $50 each way. We figured that the $10 surcharge Shidolya was collecting was an agent fee and we didn’t sweat it. But when we arrived in Zanzibar, there was no hotel transfer waiting for us. We stood around for an hour before calling Godfrey at Shidolya to ask if they forgot about us. Actually several calls were made, each costing us an arm and a leg with our U.S. cell phone carrier. Finally a taxi arrived for us, obviously sent after the fact by Godfrey. As it turned out, it appears that Godfrey also contacted Matemwe and had them send yet another driver to collect us at the airport, but we had already boarded the taxi. To the best of our knowledge, Matemwe Beach Village had to absorb the cost of this redundant shuttle service, because Shidolya refused to reimburse them. Consequently, the next day, the resort told that we would have to pay for our own transport back to the airport upon our departure. Several more long distance phone calls were made by us to Godfrey at Shidolya, informing him that we had already paid Shidolya for our return shuttle, and we were assured each time that Shidolya would work it out with Matemwe Beach Village to get us to the airport, and after each call Matemwe told us that Shidolya never called them back. In the end, there was noting for us to do but shell out another $50 for our return to the airport, as Shidolya had stopped answering our phone calls and left us high and dry.
So for the penny pinching of $50, Shidolya has completely lost our confidence and has made it impossible for us to give them the benefit of the doubt. These are the warning signs of a less than reputable operation that would rather prey upon their customers for each additional dollar rather than build a good reputation. The conclusion is clear: STAY AWAY FROM SHIDOLYA.

The rating above is based on overall trip, Details are in the comment. We did have a good guide for the Safari part of the trip
2013-06-21 22:55:15 - Tim Brinker
Date: June 2013
Duration: more than 10 days
Parks visited:Tarangire, Manyara, Ngorongoro, Serengeti
Guide Name:Crispin
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
Travel Report
I received quotes from 12 companies for an 11 day solo safari, and Shidolya had the most competitive rates. I could not find many newer reviews, but got a recommendation from a local guide who knows the industry, so I took a chance. I was so glad that I did. They answered all of my many questions and made changes in the itinerary as I requested. My guide, Crispin was knowledgable, friendly, and flexible. The vehicle was a newer Landcruiser in great shape, as the guides use the same vehicle each time and personally keep it in shape.The vehicle came equipped with guide books, electrical charger, cooler, binoculars, and the seats were well cushioned. the tours include unlimited mileage, and the itinerary is flexible during the days for changes or extra stops.I had an excellent time seeing the wildlife of the area, as well as interacting with the people and culture of Tanzania. I had no problems, and only compliments for Shidolya Tours and Safaris. They gave me the trip of a lifetime.
2012-01-31 00:19:11 - emmy
Date: January 2012
Duration: 3 days
Parks visited:Ngorogoro, tarangire, & Lake Manyara
Guide Name:Abdullah
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
First off, our guide Abdullah was the best. His English was excellent and he answered all our questions and seemed to know everything! Animals, politics, tribes, you name it. He is also up on current events and we took any opportunity to learn more about Tanzania. Before booking our safari, I had many emails with Lazarus and he was always very prompt and answered my questions. Everything seemed organized and professional. Our boxed lunches were pretty good and nutritious. The thing is, we had just climbed Kili and we were all a little tired of the same lunches. The lunches included bananas, apples, eggs, yogurt, juice, chicken, and a sandwich.
Ngorogoro is a beautiful place and was my favorite. If we would have had the luxury of staying longer, I would have liked to do the Serengeti. We still saw all the animals I wanted to see except a cheetah. We even saw a lion hunting a zebra.
The jeep was comfortable and sturdy. Not brand new but it served its purpose well. I went with a group of 6 people and there was more than enough room.
We stayed 2 nights at kirurumu tented luxury lodges. Our tent had a beautiful view of Lake Manyara. It was very private and the tents were clean and decorated nicely. The showers had hot water and good water pressure and the towels were thick and soft. The food was spectacular and was included in our safari total.
I would recommend Shidolya tours. It was definitely on the cheaper side when I was comparing prices with other tour operators. We had a great experience and would use them again.
2009-12-16 13:43:14 - Arus
Date: December 2009
Duration: more than 10 days
Parks visited:Kilimanjaro & serengeti
Guide Name:Daudi
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
In Decmber 2009, we went on an 11 day camping safari organized by this Tanzanian/American safari company, Shidolya. Ir was only my partner and I accompanied by our driver/guide, Sauli, and our cook, Daudi. To say it simply, Shidolya did an outstanding job in planning and outfitting the safari. The automobile was an extremely tough and reliable Toyota Landcruiser, the camping equipment was excellent, the campsites well chosen, and the itinerary versatile and custom-designed for our interests. We had spent nearly a month researching several dozen safari companies and had finally chosen Shidolya on the basis of reviews, promptness and manner of replies to questions as well as price comparisons. (Neema was by far the quickest to respond to my numerous emails. In addition she provided helpful as well as honest information- something we quite appreciated.) It turned out that we had made the right choice: we were extremely pleased with Shidolya and unreservedly recommend the company highly. Furthermore, we are more than happy to answer any direct questions from anyone considering taking a trip to Tanzania and a Safari.
Special thanks and compliments, however, must go to the two individuals with whom we spent 11 days in the bush, our driver/guide, Sauli, and our cook, Daudi. Had it not been for their company, our safari would not have been as memorable as it turned out to be.
Sauli was not only extremely personable, highly intelligent, and full of life and humor, but his knowledge of Tanzania's rich and varied plant and animal life was simply astounding. My partner and I are both academics and in-depth knowledge is our business. Sauli's detailed information about the region's flora and fauna would be a match for any doctoral candidate. He was also well-read on current affairs, both local and international, and we enjoyed his stimulating and articulate contributions to our conversations on many different topics. His eye for spotting animals and his instincts for finding them was incredible. Thanks to him we saw more wildlife - 76 different lions and 2 dozen cheetahs are just the start of very long list- than any of the other safari tourists we met along our trip.
The standards set by Sauli were matched by our cook, Daudi. In his early thirties, personable and blessed with an excellent sense of humor, he is a genius in the safari kitchen. My partner is a passionate cook himself, and we were initially concerned about the quality of food we would be served and mentally prepared to take on the task. Our worries, however, were uncalled for, as we found out on the first evening. With the simplest means - outdoor charcoal fire and a one-burner portable gas cooker - Daudi consistently produced 3 and 4 course meals that were absolutely delicious. Once he learned that we were adventurous eaters and very interested in sampling local reciepes, he took us on a culinary safari that matched in quality and variety our photo safari. We encouraged Daudi to write a 'safari' cookbook or, better yet, open a restaurant in our hometown New Orleans. He would be a stunning success.
We are seasoned travelers through 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world countries, and this trip was not our first one to Africa or through the bush. Yet, our safari ranks as one of the highlights of many decades of traveling the world. The credit for this must go to Shidolya for organizing it and, particularly, to Sauli and Daudi, both of whom we are now pleased to count among our friends.
2009-12-16 12:48:05 - daniel
Date: November 2009
Duration: 9 days
Parks visited:Northern Tanzania
Guide Name:Devi
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
A group of four of us just returned from 9 days in Northern Tanzania with Shidolya tours. Shidolya did a terriffic job from the time of booking until we got on the plane to return. Lazarus gave excellent suggestions to our itinerary and all the lodges worked out great. Our flight was delayed for a full day due to mechanical problems and Lazarus reworked the bookings and made sure we didn't miss anything. My wife tends to dislike anything remotely dirty or "bugs" and we can be a bit picky on food. The four different lodges (ranging from a small independed lodge to luxury tents) all worked out perfectly and gave us a variety. The food was excellent and the wildlife viewing was great. Our guide, Devi , was amazing. He was able to point out all different animals, birds, etc.

The Jeep we were in was nearly brand new (only 2 wks old) and was very comfortable even on the longer bumpy rides in the Serengeti.

I would highly recommend Shidolya tours to anyone looking for a Safari in Tanzania. They went out of their way to make sure everything was memorable. Thanks Shidolya
2009-11-07 08:44:44 - Jack Sue
Date: October 2009
Duration: 10 days
Parks visited:Serengeti
Guide Name:Edward
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
Just got back to UK from 10 days safari and 5 days on zanzibar organised with help of Stacey at Shidolya tours. We went with our 2 teenagers (13 and 15) and we all had a fabulous time.

I checked out reviews on internet and in travel books before booking with Shidolya. Always pays to do some homework before sending off large amounts of money to someone you only know over the internet!!

Felix was excellent in emailing back and designing itinerary around our requirements making using of her advice - do listen to suggestions... when they say it might be a bit too much of a a long bumpy day if you insist on a given itinerary, they know what they are talking about.. The safari was AMAZING. We had a fantastic driver and guide, Edward, who knew just about everything about everything (animals, birds, plants); could spot a rhino at 5 miles; and most importantly, was very good company - especially important when travelling together for 10 days.

The car (Toyota Landcruiser) had loads of space (could seat 8/9 and there were only 4 of us - so we could all stand up together and look out of the roof. we did see soe other safari goers packed into smaller vehicles and it didn't look as much fun.

I would certainly recommed that anyone thinking of going on safari, consider tanzania and that they look at going with this company.
2009-10-26 13:42:14 - Naemie
Date: September 2009
Duration: 4 days
Parks visited:Arusha National park
Guide Name:Edward
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:

I am so happy to see positive review for shidolya because it push me to write this! it was excellent trip overall, we were good taken care of,great food, . It was a pleasure because we went all the way to the summit, the guides from shidolya are good ,care,pause,peace, fun!

I was a very positive experience with them!
2009-10-26 12:24:15 - Gredy Frantus
Date: September 2009
Duration: 7 days
Parks visited:Mountain Kilimanjaro
Guide Name:Tsaack
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
I want to recommend this because it was the most wonderful, amazing trip ever! just had 7 days climb on Machame route kilimanjaro, and it was absolutely great! I want to say thanks to all Shidolya employee for all their patience, for helping to organized all trip. something unique to shidolya company (guide) is helping you for not letting you give up! and their great sense of humor which made the climb so much more fun! Please if you want to have fun, have fun with them.....I hope you will have a nice trip!!!
2009-10-26 11:15:59 - robert
Date: October 2009
Duration: 7 days
Parks visited:Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National park
Guide Name:Anton
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
Travel Report
We would to thanks to Shidolya company for the fantastic sfari last week! we had the most amazing time in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro crater and were so pleased with everything that you arranged for us. Anton was a fantastic guide with so much knowlege about the wildlife and an excellent driver on such terrible roads. I want to asure the travellers/ if they need a wonderful trip! please try them, I still remembered their the meals and we were so impressed at their cooking in camp conditions. We are definately recommending shidolya company to any friends who may wish to travel to Tanzania in the future! enjoy
2009-10-22 17:07:30 - isti
Date: August 2009
Duration: 3 days
Parks visited:Arusha National park
Guide Name:Devi
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
Travel Report
Hallo travelers, I want to say this, (in )deep regret because I tried this time,it was not work the way i was thinking before! My sister travel with different company and on may she was asked me about how she can reach south africa but she promise that she want to take sometime at Tanzania. you what? i did tell him about what i had before means my experience with safaris but she new i was there before, on august she send to me some pictures which show how she enjoyed everything in her trip!
I was shocked when she surprise me about the shidolya tours Ltd
Guys lets me take a break!" she said this I went with this company it was fabulous and excellent and she tried to explain to me that she was with three friends and all were real enjoyed. this was terrible to me but now i discover that my be they changed!!!! or my be i was wrong or my be I got the wrong Guide, please i want to go back to Tanzania and travel with them so i can see the difference on my own please my sister i very sorry! and sorry also to my friend halleluya from shidolya company see you soon.
2009-10-14 00:41:40 - tezee2004
Date: March 2009
Duration: more than 10 days
Parks visited:Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Manyara, Tarangire
Guide Name:Shidolya Guide, Daniel
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
Travel Report
We recently took a Safari to Africa with a tour company called Shidolya Tours and Safaris. Shidolya was recommended to us by Tanzania Association of Tour Operators (TATO). This was my third safari trip to East Africa and so I had to be careful not to take Zanga tours again. Overall, it was the best trip we have ever taken, and my colleagues agree. We were in Tanzania for two weeks, and we could easily have stayed another week.

From the USA we flew to Amsterdam and then connected with KLM to Kilimanjaro. Shidolya Tours were there to pick us from the airport which was about 45 minutes drive to the Arusha town where I believe most of the safaris start from and so was ours.

This particular safari started with a very good symposium. Shidolya Tours and Safaris basically gathered most of the top animal researchers in Tanzania to present their work. The guide was knowledgeable and the driver was friendly and cooperative especially when we had to change route and took the longer way back just to see different sceneries.

The safari was entirely in Tanzania, mostly in the Serengeti National Park but we spent some time in Manyara and Ngorongoro too. The animal life here is amazing. I had the impression it would be like the US national parks, where you see animals a couple at a time in an hour. It's not -- it's non-stop. On our way to Ngorongoro and Serengeti we saw lots of animals along the road!, On entering Serengeti just in a span of twenty minutes we saw herds of zebra, wildebeest, antelope and giraffe. It's a lot like being at the zoo, only there's a lot more of everything, and you can get a lot closer. I would guess that over the two weeks I saw at least 200,000 animals, including elephant, lion, cheetah, leopard, monkeys, hippo, hyena.... The Shidolya driver was so nice, he is an expert safari driver. We spent a lot of time in the parks and resting in camp. Sometimes when the others were resting two of us used to go back with the driver for more game viewing as I was never tired.

The safari was mostly done in Toyota LandCruisers and Shidolya has very good 4X4 safari vehicles, with the holes cut in the top so you can stand up to look at the animals. There were never more than 5 of us in one car and we had two cars. This turns out to be incredibly important, since if there were more everyone wouldn't have had a window. We met shocking land rovers on the way from other companies and so while we did not think of cars while booking we later realised that the type and condition of safari vehicle is very important and also backup in case of problem or breakdown. We never got any problem or breakdown throughout but from what we saw in their office Shidolya had about nine big like new Safari LandCruisers parked just like the ones in their website www. shidolya-safaris .com

The Shidolya driver told us that on the park we must stay on the road except in specific places, while in the areas outside the park anything goes. This was park rule he said and we had no problem with that. It's much more fun to be able to go off-road, so you can drive up close to the animals.

Our safari was a bit different from other companies in that it had some hiking in areas outside the park (Shidolya told us it was not allowed inside). Surprisingly, you can't get very close to the animals on foot, as they run away. You get much closer in the car, so I wouldn't bother with hiking if you're there to see wildlife but its fun if you are also interested with both flora, fauna and the beautiful park scenery.

Accommodations were surprisingly good. Most of the time we were Camping inside the parks and the rest in Lodges. Shidolya tents were very good and the lodges also were very good and had spectacular architecture and views. The food was good as well.

The camping experience with Shidolya tours was excellent, although this isn't camping as one normally thinks of it. While camping, our group of seven was supported by 10 staffs. The tents were large and equipped with cots, sheets and comforters. Each tent had an attached shower (filled by the Shidolya staff with hot water) and an attached chemical toilet. The Shidolya cooks were friendly and food was amazing in the camps, typically four or five course meals. It was much better than in the lodges I thought!

Of course, you are still camping in the middle of nowhere. After dark, you hear the lions, hyenenas and other animals calling to one another. While they are typically pretty far away, we did have a leopard come very close to our camp late one night while we were sleeping. Needless to say, you don't leave your tent at night. (That's why Shidolya kept an attached bathroom I guess..).

Ngorongoro Crater is very nice. Basically, it's a huge collapsed crater housing the densest collection of wildlife in East Africa. (Lots of the specials you see on Discovery Channel are filmed there). We saw everything in abundance. The animals there are relatively used to people, so this is a great place to take close-up photos.

Overall, Shidolya tours made our trip very enjoyable. Our excellent Shidolya guide helped us to see many different animals that we would not have spotted alone (sometimes with his radio, other times with his remarkable eyesight). He also helped us identify over 50 different kinds of birds. Shidolya cook was also very friendly and exceeded all our expectations producing plates of crepes, banana pancakes, vegetable tart, chips and fresh fruits along with many other delicious dishes.

One big advice for anyone who wants to take a safari, INVEST on an excellent camera with good zoom and plenty of fast film (or big memory if digital).

In addition to your camera, you'll also want to bring a GOOD binocular. Don't worry too much about size or weight, since you're in a car anyway. Everyone on the tour with compact or inexpensive binoculars wished they had brought better ones.

As far as cost goes, this isn't a cheap trip although Shidolya tours and safaris gave us the best rate.

Anyway, I strongly recommend the Tanzania Safari and Shidolya tours which is what we used last and they made a difference in our safari experience in Tanzania. Oooh.. They did go out of their way to make arrangements for my dietary restrictions throughout the trip too! Thank you.. I can't wait to go again.
2008-11-09 20:34:52 - Isti
Date: October 2008
Duration: 3 days
Parks visited:Arusha National Park
Guide Name:Halleluya
Guide Qualification:
Guide Friendliness:
Ecological Awareness:
Expectations met:
Value for Money:
I went for a three days' Mt. Meru climb in Arusha National Park in October 2008 and I can't really say that I'm satisfiedwith the service.
Especially because I think I've been lied to by Shidolya in the first place.
I went from one operator to another to get the best deal. Shidolya was not the cheapest one but at least it was mentioned in my travel guide what made me think that they are reliable.
I asked if they had a group going up the mountain the next day which he negated. He said that it dosen't make a difference whether I climb the mountain by myself or in a group as I wouldn't save any money and I would come across a lot of groups going the same way as I. That was absolutely wrong. On those three days I haven't seen a single group along the way. I saw 3 or 4 groups at the camps, that was it.
What was even worse was that I had been told by Shidolya that it was possible to recharge my batteries for my camera at the camps. That was wrong too. I believed them and tokk pictures like crazy on the day until I found out that there was no power outlet at the camp. Shock! I had to be very reserved on the 2nd day with taking pictures which really was difficult as the landscape was beautiful and we saw quite a few animals. In the end all the effort did not help and I run out of batteries by the end of day two. Needless to mention that there was no power outlet on the 2nd campsite either. So I had no camera on the whole 3rd day which really sucked.
On the third day, which was supposed to bethe highlight of the tour we started climbing very early in the morning (1am) in order to reach the summit just in time for the sunrise. I don't know why but my guide chose a time much too early and a pace much too fast so that it was still dark when we reached the peak. We couldn't wait until the sunrise because it was freezing up there. After 10 minutes we had to return. On the way back we saw two groups coming our way. Apparently they had chosen the right time because they were just in time for the sunrise. Awful guidance. Besides, my guide was not a great joker either. We exchanged maybe 10 sentences in 3 days!!!
When it came to handing out the tips he said to me that the tip was too little and I thought what the heck. I'm not paying your salary I'm just tipping you. Usually people don't complain about the tip. They take it and are happy.
One last thing that set me up is about the tout who brought me to Shidolya. The tout was a porter himself so he was hoping to get a job during myclimbing trip or at least a commission. Before I signed the contract and payed for the trip I told Shidolya (I think the name of the Shidolya guy was Godfrey) that I'd appreciate if he could do my tout a favour by either engaging him as one of my porters or give him some commission as he led me to him. Godfrey said that he had already enough porters for me but he would take care of that another time. When i came back from my trip I saw my tout again and asked him. Of course he neither got a commission nor a job.