We respect your privacy
So why do we need your e-mail address for registration?
First of all, this site is about independent reviews. We want the customers of safari operators to
rank the companies they went with. We do not want the owners of these businesses giving rave reviews
of their own company or backstabbing the competition. For this reason we don't accept anonymous reviews.
Verifying your provided e-mail address is the least we must do to authenticate users. We hope it
won't be too much of a hassle.
We will not:
- Give your e-mail address to anyone or display it on this website.
- Disclose your password to anyone. (Actually we don't even know it ourselves because it's encrypted in our database.)
- Send you unsolicited emails advertising any form of business (SPAM). We will, however, send you
e-mails that are needed for the functioning of this website. You will get one e-mail with your activation
code after registration. (This is to verify that you actually own the e-mail address you gave us.) And if
you added safari operators to your watchlist we will automatically inform you of any incoming reviews. These
e-mails will be in plain text format, not HTML.